a private blog

I thought a few friends and family might be interested in following my musings during ministry training (and perhaps beyond?), and so I've set up this blog to be a sort of round-robin letter. I am studying on the Eastern Region Ministry Course (ERMC), with a view towards presenting myself as a candidate for ordination in the Church of England in a few years' time.

The title of the blog comes from a song by Richard Gillard. We sang it at our wedding. Here's a video of the songwriter himself singing it:

I'm going to set this up so that it's a private blog; all other posts will be hidden unless you have an invitation. If you know me (either in "real life" or via interaction with me on the internet) and are genuinely supportive (you don't have to agree with what I write, of course, but if you intend to read this in a spirit of interest and irenic engagement), and if you would like to read this blog, please email me or leave a comment.

If you know me and are not really interested in reading this blog - that's ok too!